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About Author G. Sauvé

The Short Version

G. Sauvé had an unusual childhood. He grew up in a straw bale house. He was homeschooled. And he didn’t have a TV until he was a teenager. No wonder he fell in love with the written word at such a young age. He wrote his first book at fifteen (it sucked), and he now resides in Montreal, where he spends his days writing (much improved) novels and making puns.

Pronunciation: G. So-vey

The Long Version

I always knew I wanted to be an author, but I spent my teenage years convinced I wasn’t worthy. I played small and floundered in a hell of my own making. But then something happened, something that changed my life forever.

I was twenty, and my friend and I were hanging out on our neighbour’s land. We thought it would be a good idea to mess around with the concrete tiles—the kind you use to build wells—that were there.

It wasn’t.

I’m still not entirely sure how it happened, but I did something dumb and ended up trapped beneath one of the tiles. As I lay there, pinned under five hundred pounds of reinforced concrete, I realized I’d been wasting my life. Luckily, my friend was able—with help from two of our neighbours—to lift the five-hundred-pound tile long enough for me to shimmy out from underneath it. Thirty-four stitches and a trip to the hospital later, I was making a solemn promise to never again let my petty insecurities hold me back.

It took eight long years and a lot of setbacks, but I finally published my first three books at the start of 2019. I can’t even begin to describe how awesome it felt. But that was only part of the journey set into motion by that fateful incident all those years ago.

Coming face to face with death so early in life made me realize each moment is precious. It also ignited within me a raging inferno of curiosity and an overpowering desire for self-actualization. Simply put, I wanted to become the absolute best version of myself.

I spent thousands upon thousands of hours feeding my mind and soul. I read hundreds of books, listened to thousands of podcast episodes, and completed dozens of courses. I even hired a coach. I quite literally became obsessed with personal development.

I’m no longer that insecure teenager who was afraid to pursue his dreams of becoming an author. In fact, I’ve quite literally fallen in love with fear, and I’ve embarked on an epic journey the likes of which I used to think were only possible in books.


By selling everything I own and travelling the world with no plan and a single packback to carry my meagre belongings. I don’t know how long this adventure will last or where it will bring me, but one thing is certain.

I will NEVER hold myself back again!

Thanks for taking the time to get to know me better. Don’t hesitate to reach out if ever you have a question—or just want to talk. I’m always there for you.

—G. Sauvé

G. Sauvé: Author of Time Travel Adventures - The Nibiru Effect

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